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TELEPHONE BOOTH | PUMP Magazine | The Floral Issue Vol.1 | October 2020

So here’s the story…. I went with a friend for breakfast and it was en route to the place that I noticed a photoshoot opportunity like no other! Vanessa’s Coffee Shop in Lake Nona has a unique floral display that catches everyone’s eye. Many visitors take photos, selfies, or just admire the unique exhibit. Clearly this is a smart marketing technique because their telephone booth filled with flowers drew me in immediately. Seeing the obvious beauty, I quickly scheduled a model to do a photoshoot! Delia V (IG: @iamdeliav) a local model volunteered quickly to come to the coffee shop for a photoshoot. We presented the entire shoot live on Facebook (and if you didn’t see it, you can watch a playback here). After completing the edits, we kept the photos a secret because… we’ve gotten them published!

PUMP Magazine‘s Initiative:

PUMP Magazine

“Established in December of 2013, PUMP is an esteemed international fashion and beauty lifestyle publication circulating through countless major fashion capitals and communities around the world. PUMP proudly provides a place for all. We feature artists from all over the globe from all walks of life, and enjoy celebrating what makes us all so beautiful and different from one another.”

Kristina Bozanich Hi there! I am the creator of the post that you’ve just seen. To give you some background, I am a photographer located in Saint Cloud, FL and service the Orlando area. I am also a self-taught makeup-artist, blogger, and have a background in primatology & conservation. To get the latest updates on my social media, follow me!


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